28 de maig del 2009

T r i p l e t e !

Algo había que decir. Esta es mi contribución (y a la wikipedia)

Trichampions Barça's unofficial anthem

For the catalonian soccer team FC Barcelona ("Barça" for his supporters) "Viva la Vida" has become the soundtrack to its sweep of trophies this season — La Liga, Copa del Rey and UEFA Champions League: the treble.

Since taking over the squad, the coach Josep Guardiola ("Pep") has requested that the song be played on all bus trips to the stadium. One of the players, Xavi, explained[1] “Viva la vida is a sophisticated piece of grandiose orchestration that motivates and gives us luck.” Nevertheless, his team mate Dani Alves apparently does not share the same appreciation: ”that song does not motivate me because I do not understand what he says”.

In any case, the most important celebration in the history of FC Barcelona, on 28 may 2009[2], when the fans and the players met together for the last time this season in the Camp Nou (the day after the team won the UEFA Champions League in Rome[3]) ended with the team doing another lap of honour to the sound of Coldplay’s ‘Viva la Vida’.

Viva La Vida - Coldplay

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