E l
m ó n
v o t a
p e r
K e r r y
"Si la resta del món pogués votar a les eleccions presidecials dels EUA, John Kerry guanyaria per golejada. Aquest és el resultat d'un sondeig internacional realitzat per The World Votes. Segons el mateix, John Kerry rep el 81.6% dels vots, i George Bush només el 6.2%".
Però, ves, no ens deixen :-( .
The World Votes For John Kerry
THE HAGUE, 11/1/?04 ?
If the rest of the world could vote in the U.S. Presidential election, John Kerry would win in a landslide. That is the conclusion of an international election conducted by The World Votes.
According to the international election, John Kerry receives 81.6% of the vote. George Bush is favoured by a 6.2% minority. Independent candidate Ralph Nader gets 5.3%. The other candidates together receive less than 6%. In total, nearly 10,000 citizens from countries all over the world took part in this election.
The US citizens that voted for President Bush tended to be blue-collar level laborers, White farmers, have no college education, and to be followers of an extremely fundamentalist form of Christianity, that takes the Bible literally, word for word. This description matches some of my relatives that voted for Bush.
Thanks, programmer!
ResponEliminafor its interest I'll translate your comment to spanish
"De Los Angeles, California, llega el coment anterior, que traduzco:
'El perfil de los ciudadanos norteamericanos que votaron al presidente Bush tendía a ser el de un obrero no cualificado o granjero blanco, con estudios primarios y seguidor de una forma extremadamente fundamentalista de cristianismo que interpreta la Biblia, literalmente, al pie de la letra. Esta descripción encaja con la de algunos de mis parientes que votaron a Bush' "